Survivor! Thursday did NOT start out good. Sugar ran out to check on the bunnies as I was gather things to get our morning going. She came running back all upset because ANOTHER baby bunny had fallen out of the nest, and died. oh dear. I ran out, but it was indeed too late. I ran around the back of the hutch, and found another dead baby behind the nest box as well. That is three dead babies. This just doesn't happen. Last time, Buttercup had 8 babies and they all stayed in the nest fine. This time.....3 out of 6 had been dragged out of the nest and died. I am sure that something has Buttercup anxious, and she is jumping out of the nest prematurely, and the babies are still latched on. Once out....they can't get back in. I buried two more babies, and worried and prayed for the other three to stay in the nest all day while we were away.

Sugar had her 9 year well child exam at the doctor's office that morning. All went well. She is healthy and strong. After that, I ran her out to the school, and I head on to work.

After grabbing my girl from dance classes, we rushed home, crossing our fingers to check the babies. Luckily.....all three were still in the nest. We took this little honey out for a quick picture. awwww.....we love it already. NOW STAY IN THE NEST.....and tell your friends, as well. We can't take all this death.

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