Brarking News...Huge loud Barking for your enthusiasm over the Stormy Tree yesterday. It is always very uplifting and hugely exciting when this happens and our entire household share in the fun. Thankyou thankyou thankyou.
We returned to the lake side this morning as The Boss had spotted these leaves yesterday and loved the palette of colours.
It was not a long stay as with all the rain on Friday night the “Chores” list had grown a bit and we have a wheelie bin rubbish system which is collected on Mondays so it needed to be filled. I generally do not accompany The Boss when he is working outside as it is invariably noisy with either the Mower (which he won’t let me out with anyway) or the Blower, which I don’t want to be out with, or all manner of things that don’t interact well with a curious dog. So I stayed inside and watched. There is a new and temporary dog in town. It is a Lab and lives just across our lane. It barks a bit so I have to bark back so then it replies and I have to reply and then it changes the subject so I have to answer and then THE BOSS SHUTS MY DOG DOOR….just when I was having fun the “No Noise” act is invoked. Well I suppose it is a Sunday…But….Sigh!
The light was nothing to Bark about so The Boss got his Arty Mouse out again and created this image out of the leaves that totally covered the lake shore. Woof???
Bigger Palette ?
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