Pink Twinkles

By Pinktwinkles


Aberdeen's Bon Accord shopping centre has decent decorations this year for the first time in many years! The last few years have been dominated by the ugliest most awful singing *things* (by things I mean they were cross between human and some sort of furry animal. Think Yeti and you'll be on the right lines. )

This year that's all gone and there are these enormous baubles hanging from the glass ceilings. I'd seen them a few times, but it was only last week I realised they were more than just big baubles. They play music and open up to reveal little creatures inside them. This one is the snowman one, there is an ice queen one and a polar bear one that was very cute.

The kids loved the snowman one, we must have stood for a good half hour (in total between the 3 visits) watching them as they recognised the Snowman song.

Many thanks to Postie who removed his link yesterday to his shots of this. Although totally not necessary, I thought he deserved a mention! Besides, I think he got better photos of it than me! Doing it while watching what a 4 year old and 2 year old are doing doesn't make for the best!

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