
By NoveltyBobble

Running up that hill

Have been battling a nasty cold over the last few days. My days in London really drained me and with that the cold virus took hold.

Timing is always great with these things. My meetings were quite important, so I had to go regardless. I also had a delivery of a new washing machine yesterday, and thanks to the stupid design of my house, we have the washer up on the 2nd floor in a washer room.

So yesterday was no fun full of cold and extracting 80kg of machine down stairs, and dragging another one up. Wasn't until I'd dragged the new Bosch machine all the way up the stairs that the missus joked "Wouldn't it be funny if it didn't work". Mmmmm.

Dogs get just one walk to day. I'm now going to relax with coffees and lemsips. Enjoy your Sunday peeps.

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