Nice to be away, but its always great to be home !

!st day back today and I have had a look around the garden marvelling at the growth which has taken place whilst we have been away. It really is green & blooming...& the lawn needs a cut, but I think I will do that tomorrow - weather permitting.

The little clematis caught my eye as it is one of the spring flowerers as opposed to summer. I think its called Blue Dancer or really does dance in the cold breeze that we have today.

Merlot was really pleased to see us back, though C did get the cold shoulder when we 1st walked in but that soon went out the window & he quickly changed to his loving adaorable self.

R & N came around last night for a curry which was a nice finish to the week. Then they got a taxi home. N & C have gone off this afternoon for a belated Mother's day surprise & then tomorrow we move D from the hospice to the new care home. We have a very busy week next week, don't know how I had time to go to work.

Cool & breezy

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