My topsy-turvy life

By Rathmandu

That's not a real castle!

We had an engagement card that somebody didn't quite put the right postage on so I had to pop into town after my night shift -and some sleep- to pay the extra 9 pence to get it...oh and a £1 fee too, bargain.

Once I'd done that I thought I'd have a wander up towards Shrewsbury castle.
Imagine my disappointment to find that it's still standing, intact, and even has windows in it and a museum (Shropshire Regimental museum).
That's not a real castle!
Real castles are crumbling ruins that I can go around exploring and finding holes to get pictures of me taken in.

That said, we'll have to pay it a proper visit at some point, it is a castle afterall...and there's even a Laura's tower!

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