Snail on white wall!!! OMG!!

......and so the 'white wall OCD' continues!!

I was sent out to pick the snails off 'the wall' and chuck them up the garden. Thought I'd try and blip one with my cheap macro lens. Its harder than you think - especially on the tiny snails. As I picked it off, it's shell came off, leaving a naked slug!!! Ooops!

We went to the gym this afternoon. I tried really hard. Because of my back, I asked for my runs to be taken off my programme key and just allow me to do what I want. I thought I'd try and get up to a gradient of 15 , going up 1 every 2 minutes then back down again at the same rate. I got to 15 but nearly died so wacked it back down to 5!!!! Bloody wimp!! At least I know what I am capable of not much so hope to improve on it each time I go now. Im pretty determined to shift this excess baggage, preventing me from wearing jeans!!!!

Had a nice swim and hot tub afterwards and forgot to take my bra and just about to cook dinner.

Happy Sunday. and the bra is now back on!


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