life magic

By anitashrive

Belated Mother's Day

Today is my Mother's Day. My girls were at their dads last weekend so we decided to have a belated Mother's Day. I've been very spoilt, I was woken this morning with daffodils, a bracelet and a lovely picture frame with a picture of us in it. Then they made me breakfast, bacon and egg baguette. They made me a lovely cake and decorated it. My eldest then cleaned the kitchen and mopped the floor!!!!!!!
I then took everyone for Sunday lunch at a local pub. Nice carvery, and £31 for 4 of us including drinks was defiantly worth it as it means I've not been near the kitchen all day!! I love my girls and today has been fab and well worth waiting for.

I've missed a few blips over the last fee days, been busy with work and end of term things appoints and all sorts.

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