
By SLPlearning

Standing out from the Crowd

It's a bit brighter today so I ventured out, but couldn't persuade anyone else to join me because it's a bit wild out there. Sunny and windy though, preferable to the other. I didn't go too far because fortunately for me I'm really near some natural beauty spots.

I saw this little flower sparking in between the bare branches of its surrounding trees and thought, you'll be my blip today because you stand out from the crowd. I showed my many pictures to everyone when I got back, and they helped me choose which poem should go with it. Very apt for the lazy bones who stayed home today.

On A Country Walk

I’ve been on a country walk
And haven’t left my chair
All because I read a poem
Which placed me right there
Where she stood in the meadow
Amid dandelions and daffodils,
And I heard the birds chattering
Recounting their days thrills.

I sensed the freshness of spring,
A special sweetness filled the air
As I strolled steadily along,
It was like really being there!
Seeing the sights she saw
Feeling the feelings she felt
Made my heart leap for joy,
All gloomy thoughts did melt.

So, if you feel like a walk
In the verdant countryside
Then peruse a poem like me
And on the air you’ll glide.
Those worries of your day
Well, we know they’ll still be there
But for now enjoy the peacefulness
By taking a country walk in your chair.

Paul Holmes

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