Dig It
These three likely lads are putting up a new notice board at our village hall. It will be used to advertise such delights as Frog Race evenings and Film club etc.
There was a lot of scratching of heads and leaning on shovels. LooseCanon is the one not appearing to be doing very much whilst the other two were doing all the work. According to the other two his most important contribution at this point was to call me to come round with tea bags, milk etc. The job is now complete and it looks splendid if I might say so.
It reminds me of an elderly lady of our acquaintance many years ago who told her assembled friends that Betty was giving flying lessons now. 'Are you sure Peggy?' they asked her 'Oh yes' she said 'I've seen it on the notice board at the village hall.'
'Aerobics Tuesdays 7 to 9 pm' she thought it was Aerobatics. You couldn't make it up. They're probably all qualified Pilates now.
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