A Glimpse At Who I Am!

By georgexx

Nanny and the girls

I'm cheating a bit with today's blip...it was actually from yesterday but I like it and I have nothing worthy from today as we have had a PJ day...exactly what we have all needed after a hectic couple of weeks! Lovely quality time as a family and a chance to relax! Back to normality tomorrow although we are both off work this week so doing lots of family things!

Yesterday was a lovely day! This blip was taken at my sister in laws birthday celebration at Pizza Express. It is my mother in law, Charlotte and my niece Billie! I think you can see the resemblance between the three although hubby doesn't really look like his mum and Charlotte probably looks more like me than her dad!

I haven't enjoyed the hungover husband quite so much! Or the 6am start Charlotte gave us despite the fact she was in bed very late last night!

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