In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall


Once a month a travelling cinema comes to Ellon.
An afternoon show for the family, today was Lego the movie, and an evening one for adults, The Monument Men.
We have never managed to get there yet, but we were going to take Arya-June today. After saying yes, AJ decided she didn't want to go. So after going to JRD for lunch and Tesco for essentials, wine, tin foil, ice cream, wine, deodorant, wine etc, June came home and planted some tomato seeds, whilst Arya and I went for walk. First to the play park and then for a walk along the river, where we fished with a nice bent stick with a leaf for bait, and a pretend picnic.
This was on the old railway bridge that crosses the river.
The whole thing says, "You are beautiful in every single way. "
Now settled down, sort of, watching Avengers Assemble.

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