Chiff-Chaff in flight

Had a mixed day just like the weather, noticed that the local youths have been making a big mass in the woody bit of the local patch with the cans, bottles / broken glass plastc cider bottles and the rest !!! burnt out fallen tree and branches. In a area 0f 20 meters I clean up 5 large heavy duty black bags of this mass. Could not clean up the large mass of glass would need tool to get it together . As I was taken the bags to a place the council will pick them up the kingfisher landed on a branch just brilliant to see it so close , I heard my first Chiff-Chaff of the year, then a Gray wag flew by. I went back later and spotted the Chiff-Chaff and got photo's, spotted a Woodpecker, deer. and fox. Then my team got beat.

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