Man, Mountain or Fish

By StevieFish

Someone has stolen the city

Wreathed in mist again today, and I have to admit I love it. I snapped away on the way to work and at lunchtime Mono and myself headed out for a wee wander. He'd already gotten his blip in the morning, and a mighty fine misty shot it is too, but he was still up for the blander. At the mound we bumpd into Tonto and the three of us headed up the hill to the castle and then around and down to Kings Stables road, where we saw this.

The people just made this shot even better. The sound of both Mono and Tonto snapping away like fury behind me said it all. Blip-tastic (And I can't wait to see what Tonto posts too! Will it be a blip snap I wonder?)

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