
By asm929


Last week we had a late night/early morning visit from a bear. Luckily Riley alerted us to it and it took off when Mr M went out with a flashlight. Well, the bear came back again last night and Mr M is working night shift. Again, Riley alerted me to it. I didn't go outside, though - I just watched it out the window. When Riley would bark and carry on, the bear would head down the yard toward the barn. Then things would be quiet for a while, then Riley would start barking again and scratching at the kitchen door. At one point, I looked out the window and the darned bear was right on the porch. I didn't hear him doing anything, but in the morning we found the bird feeder completely broken apart and all over the yard, plus the post is loose. I got very little sleep all night because the bear seemed to hang around for hours.

So far tonight the coast is clear.

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