Here comes the bus

Interesting day. Began with waking before the alarm, because of the effects of the ending of day lit saving. So; easily able to head out for an enjoyable middle length run to Coxs Bay then home via Three Lamps and Ponsonby Road. Most of the few photos I took on this run included the Sky Tower. I liked this the best, because of the bus on the right of the picture, waiting for the lights to change.

I then spent the day in the District Court as an expert witness. The lawyer who cross examined me asked rather open ended questions that allowed me to make clear the basis of my opinion, and that was good. In the past I have experienced more hostile questioning, which has pushed me into Yes/No answers that fail to inform the Court of the nuances the Court needs to consider.

Before I went to Court I had discovered that when I dropped my phone a week ago, it did something diabolical to it. Every time I tried to make a call or answer a call, it turned itself off. Text messaging still appeared possible. It is a rather old iPhone, and I haven't really used its capacity (16Gig) at all (unlike S who uses her iPhone as Apple intends it to be used). As I'm heading to Wellington in the morning for a two day Council meeting, I need a functional phone, and after Court I went to buy one.

Went to the Vodafone shop (my account is with them), and got told what great deals they can offer me. Basically the cheapest of these deals offered me a discount on the full price of an iPhone 5c which (spread over the 24 months of a new contract) was going to cost me $35 a month (for the new contract price) to save $10 a month. And anyway, they didn't have any 16G 5c iPhones in stock.

The nice young man suggested I go to another retailer in the mall, buy the phone I wanted, and come back so he could put in the sim card and set it up for me. All done, Jesafly has advised me on which buttons to push, and by the end of this evening I should have it all done. Very satisfying.

Note: I did NOT choose salmon pink.

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