
By CoffeePotter

Is she watching ewe?

I needed to stretch my legs when I arrived home from work this evening, (they're not very long they need a bit of a stretch) so we took the dogs out for a trot.

These sheep were amongst half a dozen sheep (no lambs) on one side of the track, and there were some others with lambs on the opposite side of the track in another field. They were obviously communicating with one another - there was an awful lot of baa-ing going on - very loud and all sorts of tones of "baa".

The conversation went a bit like this:
"What did you have this time?"
"Another girl. When are you due?"
"Any time now. Could be tonight."

They just stopped their chat for a few minutes to have a good nose through the fence at us. I think they thought their dinner was arriving.

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