My life in blips

By Goretex

Visit to Mugdock

Well first day of the Easter holidays - no alarm set - just the dog woof alarm. Up out of bed and took some more steps to completing the make over of the study. As I am not a 'completer-finisher' I find it difficult to keep going when the small jobs need done! Tomorrow I plan to move the old desk and a storage unit out to make way for the new desk. I am desperate to reclaim the spare room and the landing space where all the contents of the study seem to be lying....... still!

After lunch, Eubers and I took MP off to Mugdock for a walk. Slightly drizzly and VERY wet underfoot. MP had a great time in the water, puddles, mud - basically anywhere it was wet and mucky! The park itself is getting ready to welcome Spring. I couldn't help notice the tress look as if they are developing green beards - in a week or two, the buds will have opened and the leaves will be evident. The moss climbing up the trunk and branches reminded me of that velvety coatings you see on toys (the kind that peels off if it gets wet -we had 3 reindeers covered in this stuff when we were wee - I loved peeling it off).

Home via supermarket, salmon bought for tea, quick chat with Mags then ready to watch final episode of Line of Duty (Season 1) and commit to blipping everyday during the holidays :)

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