A time for everything

By turnx3

A cold seat!

A bright sunny day today, which did help to raise the temperature a little more than yesterday, and the winds weren't as strong. However, the cold temperatures we've had this week have frozen over the pond in the park, providing a rather cold spot for this goose to sit! I went swimming at the fitness center around lunchtime, and stopped at the post office to mail my Christmas cards, so that's one more thing to cross off the list! I've lucked out at the post office this year. Usually I end up waiting in long lines in the weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas, but last week when I mailed the parcels and today there was hardly any line!

This evening, we were out at the home of one of Roger's colleagues, for his work's Christmas party. A good evening, although we always feel so old by the time we leave, as most of the others are so much younger than us!

One year ago: New knitting project

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