Information Retrieval

By Syetuttle

Birthday Girl And Birthday Daddy

Mrs Tuttle's birthday today.
We saw a morning showing of Noah at the pictures (Noah is based on a true story, apparently), had Sayers for lunch and had tea out with the gang. The gang being my in-laws and our son, pictured.
It was quite a special day as we rarely spend (nearly) a whole day together and going to the cinema was something we used to do on a regular basis when we both started dating.
P met his Violin teacher after school today.
It is also my Dad's Birthday today, who lives in Worcester.

No running for me today as yeaterdays 8.5mile run started to take it's toll. My right knee is starting giving me jip. So is my chest, still. Will see what tomorrow brings........
...... the club exhibition prints go up tomorrow morning (which I will be helping), followed by an afternoons work and then the dishing out of the awards and a digital image slide show in the evening.......not sure if I can fit a run in here!

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