Bird Blip

Nothing much today but a little feathered friend, singing in the garden, a sweet song. When there is quiet it is lovely to listen to one of mother natures choristers, I count myself lucky to live in our little village away from the noise and bustle of the city.

I loved hearing the voice of my friend today, they always make me smile, the image in my minds eye of the craziest of curls, a vivid description painting the picture to enjoy!!!

An extra training session, new skates on the boy but not that you would notice, no getting used to them... woosh!!!! he was belting round the ice as if not noticing new boots, no complaints of sore feet so all would seem good. It was a quite session tonight a lot of the kids away for the holidays I suspect but with another game on Friday it was a welcome session and a lot of fun. The extra few weeks of ice is a bonus and a few friendlies to end the season.

I hope you enjoy "watching the birdie" as much as I enjoyed his song

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