Through my Eyes

By Kelso

Wet but happy

Aaaack - it is raining again. Kelso doesn't mind any weather, but Dixie Chick is becoming rather particular in her old age. She won't venture out into the back yard by herself- I think she fully expects Mr. K and I to hold an umbrella over her while she does her business. The advantages of being an entitled senior citizen...

I am listening to a book on CD while I drive to and from work. It is called "Mad About the Boy' by Helen Fielding, a continuation of the Bridget Jones series. I think of all my British friends when I hear the main character talking about cooking on the Aga, feeding her kids Weetabix and trying to master technology, all in classic British style. I actually think our friend Roz is Helen Fielding's ghostwriter - they have the same incredibly witty writing style.

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