It wasn't me!

What are you lookin' at??

Eye poppin'

These grackles are so pushy and nasty, but big old scaredy cats when it comes to humans around here. I've rarely been able to sneak up on one. Today I wasn't feeling well and I planted myself on the deck, in a chair, in the sun, aimed my camera and closed my eyes. It was a challenge to keep the camera upright on the monopod while I relaxed, but it felt good to to let the sun soak in. (Even though the snow remains, it was warm out of the wind and under those rays.) As I relaxed I just listened for birds. Eventually, I heard the wings of this big guy. I let him get comfortable before I gently eased hands and eye into position with the camera, and BAM, I got him! I love a good bird stalking...

Blip achieved, nap (sort 0f) accomplished... not a bad half hour.

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