Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Tristan's Selfie

After a fairly full day together, Tristan wanted to have a go with my camera. My "camera" the new Nikon that our adult kids gave us for Christmas is still just too shiny and new to hand it to a 7-year-old; plus my confidence wasn't helped by the fact that the last time Tristan had full use of one of my cameras it "died" a few days later (I really think it had nothing to do with Tristan). So I suggested that he use the iPhone, which probably isn't a better choice since it too is a very expensive device.

So Tristan walked all around the inside of the house taking videos. He is most impressed with taking 5-minute videos and then watching them. After showing me several of his videos, he learned to tap the camera image to do a "selfie." As he looked at himself in the screen, he said to me, "Gramma, lean in and get into the picture."

I'm such an obedient Gramma. I did just as he requested. He captured several of us and this is possibly the best of the selfies. He had lots of fun with my iPhone.

Previous to the photo session, Tristan joined us early this morning to go with us to church so his mom could attend a "beauty conference" in Orange County. She is currently in cosmetology school.

After church we stopped at the Target Store to buy him some swimming trunks. Then it was home for lunch. He told me he'd enjoy a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and asked what grandpa and I were going to eat. I told him we'd have tuna sandwiches. He thought that sounded good too, and talked his great-grandpa into trying a tuna and jelly sandwich. Good grief!

Then he spent the afternoon in the pool with Great-Grandpa-Fun. This was a very "summer-like" day in spring. I sat at a patio table to grade some student papers and watch as Tristan yelled, "Gramma, watch me!"

After all the swimming, Tristan showered to get all the chlorine off his skin. Then the photo session, and then about 5:30 (way too soon) Tristan's daddy was knocking at the front door and here to take him home.

We thoroughly enjoyed having our little great-grandson for the majority of the day. He is lots of fun.

Good night from Southern California,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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