Espresso stand goodies

A 70 degree afternoon definitely called for a walk to the local espresso stand with cousins, Lauren and Katie, and buddy, Kaden, for Italian Sodas and milkshakes. I loved watching them walk away, so pleased with their independence.

Today, Grandma (my mom) took the grandkids and my sister on our annual "Easter Dress shopping" trip. This is a tradition that my Grandma started when my sister and I were young and we cherished those trips as we got to pick out whatever we wanted. Alex loves being included in the festivities and found a pair of bright green shorts to add to his wardrobe. We were laughing, because Alex picked out green pants on our shopping trip last year. What can I say? He shops like a dude. So grateful for a generous mother who values traditions and time with her grandkids. Very blessed indeed.

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