twinned with trumpton


It's The End of The World As We Know It...

...and I feel fine.

Monday in the office. No communication at all in 18 hours, most unusual; turns out big domestic drama. So tense morning as the fallout from that settled, coupled with our week now being an evening.

Usual phone calls, e mails of a Monday; but plodded through quietly, efficiently.

Lunchtime was to meet at the bank, got there and there was a power cut; so need to wait til Thursday for that. Slithered back through the drizzle past the World's End, and back in for soup (magnificent soup, kind of thing that you know is so healthy and good for you) and a similarly non descript afternoon; booked up for the last week in April, did some tidying up, blah. But all the while, my mind ahead to dinner tonight.

Cycled home at 6; spoke to a colleague about the London marathon; he thinks I'm some sort of demi god for doing 80 miles on a bike in an afternoon, whereas I know his sub 3 hour marathons are way way more impressive; we parted over a Cigs blip...!

Home, shower, made dinner.

Seafood stew a la Ottolenghi; so tasty. The spring onions / feta mix so well with the mussels and chipotle; pak choy a nice addition.

And trad old skool dessert in the form f bread and butter pudding.

But what should have been 90 minutes spiralled into 4 hours and a sprint for the 2222 47; but probably best; if there was a languid parting then I'm not sure there would have been one...! But good to get proper time together, no outside influences, no stress, loads of smiles.

I will hurt on Tuesday.

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