George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry

All mine

THEY went out again today. And I didn't get to go. SHE explained it. SHE said they had to go to a shopping mall, and that dogs are NOT ALLOWED. Where's the fun in that?

SHE said they always have sushi on a Tuesday (whatever that is), and little dogs don't eat sushi.

Give me half a chance, I said. But no; I still wasn't allowed.

BUT when THEY came back it was wonderful. SHE bought herself a new pair of slippers, and guess what?

No, you'll never guess.

SHE gave the old ones to ME! How about that?

They smell great, and I carried this one around with me for quite a long time, until my teeth got tired.

Then I had a little nap, with my nose still in the slipper.

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