Family Dog

By Family_Dog

sproiiiiiiiiiing spruce

Can anybody explain to me how the hell it got to be this time of year already? I am sat here on the sofa, nursing a hangover (not an annual thing, obviously) and looking at my gigantic christmas tree and thinking 'what just happened?!'.

Somehow, it is 2 weeks till Christmas and I have a 19 month child. Is someone playing tricks on me?!

Anyway, The Dog and I went and got our christmas tree yesterday and ended up getting the fattest tree in Edinburgh. It actually looks as wide as it is tall. It is a beautiful looking tree but it is going to drive me mental within a week because of the size of it.

Oh well.

As there's nothing on it yet, we have no idea how Arlo's going to be with it. Seeing as he pulled every single book off the bookshelves this morning I am thinking probably best not to leave the tree and the boy in the room alone together.

Pub tonight. Working. Not Drinking. Boo.

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