Nothing happens here...

By StuartDB

Kittiwake nuisance

Once again part of the riverside footpath is closed so these noisy, excrement squirting, flying nuisances can nest in the City.

Why the public have to put up with their stench, shrieking and aggressive behaviour is lost on me.

Being wild life whenever their habitat is threatened they will, by instinct find somewhere else to procreate and defecate. So let them move on.

According to a local newspaper…
The kittiwake, a type of gull, has bred on buildings along the River Tyne since 1949. The Tyne colony brings a seabird spectacle, usually only found on remote coastal cliffs, right into the heart of the city’s Quayside.

This special part of the cityscape is thought to be unique on a global scale as the birds are not known to nest so far inland anywhere else in the world.

But, over the years, the Tyne’s breeding kittiwakes have faced mixed fortunes. Instead of cliffs, these inland birds breed on man-made structures, and their nest sites are destroyed when these buildings are redeveloped or knocked down.

Work is under way to safeguard kittiwake nest sites along the Tyne for the long-term so that these birds are not continually shifted from building to building.

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