It's a Small World.

Another day that we haven't left the house. J had another bad night, and i was making him a hot toddy at three o'clock this morning.We are feeling a bit like zombies today. The weather has been sunny and breezy, so i did piles of washing and they are all dry which is something.I sat out the garden for ages trying to get a bird capture. I took loads, but they really did nothing for me. The starlings seem to have flown the nest, so to speak, and the fat balls have no takers. I think we will have to take them down until next winter.We had the gas and electricity bills this morning and the gas for the winter period was extortionate. Thank goodness the weather is getting warmer. This is an update of J's layout as my bro, Pilipo asked me to show him how it's progressing. Lot's more work still to do , so i am told, but it's taking shape now.

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