Anne's Daily Encounters

By dutchdelight

Overnight change

The abundance of maiden white bloom of the weekend was blown and rained out by yestereve's coldfront
the fresh colors of nature still looks Spring like in this April light (temps fell down noticebly)

** Oops I'd not noticed this is my 1000th blip ~ I'd seen before that this number is coming up and even realised it a week ago, but than the days & demands etc. continued and I'd forgotten yesterday it was my special blipday! 365 I looked up to let alone 1000 ~ however it was 10 Seconds who introduced me to Blip back in 2010 and his idea of a daily selfie + his whereabouts seemed like a good idea to practise photography more intensly and to confront myself with new challenges ~ the selfie concept is a challenge I did not copy:)
This Blip Forum with your journals is one of my windows upon the world and time & again I'm glad with your responses on my images & views! I like the difference in images & write ups and enjoy this means of communication with you a lot! Cheers and up to 1500:)

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