Another siskin,

This one looks as though he has places to go, Siskins to see. An odd shape and preferred choice from a mr grumpy - that's my prerogative today - or a trio of Siskins looking frightened out of their wits. Waaaaaaaahh! Honest.

Another hour sat by a window taking the air which was surprisingly cold this afternoon. It was suggested by the other half this morning that if the dust on floor was annoying me I could sit on the floor and clean up using the vacuum. So I did. Humph. Yes a little fraut earlier, it was going to happen I suppose.

However later on after doing some baking and making a right old mess in the kitchen I found that by sitting in the computer chair - the one with wheels - the vacuum could be dragged along. Double humph. We are ok but feeling frustrated, me because I can't get on do things and John because I can't get on and do things. So that he can do his own things. Anyway he is now finishing off our version of a pizza, and packing up the baking. He IS very good. And I don't feel so grumpy. But after all that it's still another siskin. We are going out tomorrow and hope to find something else to blip.

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