An ex-working colleague

Back to Finnish practice:

Päivä oli kaunis. Aurinko paistoi. Aamulla menin kuntosaliin. Sitten kotimatkalla kuntosalta minä menin kävelamään. Tämä mies sanoi "Moi! Mitä kuuluu?". Olin hämmentynyt koska en tunnustanut häntä. Hän huomasi ja sanoi että me olimme työskennelleet yhdessä vuosia sitten. Puhuimme ja jälkeenpäin pyysin jos voi ottaa kuvan hänestä.

(What I want to say: It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining. In the morning I went to the gym. Then, on my way back home from the gym, I went for a walk. This man said "Hello! How are you?". I felt embarrassed because I didn't recognize him. He realized and told me that we had worked together years ago. We had a chat and then I asked if I could take a picture of him.)

A bit long today!! :)

Yes the weather was lovely, and this morning I had an appointment with my personal trainer to get a new gym programme done. I know I could save myself some cash by doing it myself, but I wouldn't push myself hard enough.

After going for a walk in the meadows to enjoy the sunshine, I bumped into this guy, who recognized me immediately, but not the other way round, quite embarrassing.. But after a chat, I remembered where I had seen him before. We had actually worked in the same place a few years ago.

I've already done my food shoping and I'm now relaxing at home. A nice day off! Back to work tomorrow :(

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments yesterday! I hope you all had a good day! :)

P.S. Just noticed.. this is my 1234th blip :)

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