Furnace Lass

By furnacelass

"Sunshine Came Softly"

The day started very dull and didn't look at all promising.
The day began with a visit to the dentist, the only painful part being parting with the money to pay the bill.

However the big plus was that it had brightened up before I came out of the dentist.Lovely warm spring sunshine when I got back home. John was working in the garden attacking some overgrown bushes , cutting them back. I spent some time cutting the grass ( defintely doesn't qualify as a lawn , the grass is so thick and full of moss ). The new lawn mower has been a very good buy as it coped really well with the heavy grass which would have benefited from a week with a few sheep from the farm to make it more manageable.

Off course, it being April , the rain came on just as I was on the last stretch. Nothing daunted I continued . Job done, time for a nice relaxing afternoon indoors. Booked tickets for the Citizens Theatre in Glasgow on Friday night to celebrate our wedding anniversary which is on Saturday.

Going to be a busy time as it looks as if we will be going to a funeral on Friday morning in Clydebank, Anniversary treat Friday night , off on the supporters bus to Kircaldy for the Sons' game against the mighty Raith on Saturday then back up the Rest & Be Thankful for a friend's retiral do in the village hall on Saturday night.

Just as well we have also booked a hotel in Glasgow for Friday night , too much traipsing around at our age is more than our ancient bodies can take.

Today's blip is another taken with the bargain buy , this wee camera is a joy to work with . Somehow I don't think John will get to use it much as I really am enjoying finding out what it can do.

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