Anni Mamundi

By An1ma

Another grey mining bee...

... Without the lovely Santa beard showing :-(

I've been out on an errand of mercy.
A dear family member was visiting a hotel only some 30 miles from us, and 130 from them. And he left his camera (a posh one too!) at the hotel.
It had been a long day even before the traffic jams!
(But I would SO want someone to rescue mine if it were left behind. As if!
Hope Daughter is not reading this. It can happen to anyone!).

In other news, some lovely new sandalwood soap, for which I had High Hopes, smells of Lucozade.. Lucozade though!
How does that work?
Every time I wash my hands I think I should be tucked up in bed,
because I've probably been Very Poorly.
(Oh, the crinkly yellow cellophane! Takes you right back!).

I digress.
The little eggs are STILL not hatched, though the 'tall-poppyish' one is still tall and 'different from the others. .. Sigh.
I didn't blip it.
I'm 'keeping my powder dry' :-)

I shall not be commenting tonight.
A nice lie down calls.
And it's only Tuesday :-/

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