midwife crisis

By lulubelle

Rathdowny .

Hair cut with the wonderful Millie. Hubs advises that I now look more like Phil Oakley than Hitler (apparently that was my old look). He thinks he's so funny.

Back to Kilkenny (90 min drive each way, longer if I get lulled into Aldi or Lidl of course) for a last post natal on M (I won't take on any one that far away again - it's like a day trip just doing one visit)! Sad to say goodbye tho.

Am trying to come up with something to celebrate the international day of the midwife in May. I want to spread some good news stories. Have had suggestions to do an article in the local rag and or a slot on local radio OMG! So not me. Wrong accent to go down well I'd say!

This is a classic Irish cemetry with great Celtic crosses and beautiful carvings, Everything scrupiously tidy and well maintained.

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