
By Mikey88


This is the first flower to open on our camelia bush - it's always late; most, if not all, of the other camelias around the village are well past their best, but ours is only just coming into flower. It's slightly abstract. There was a ray of early morning sunlight just catching one corner, and I used my macro lens wide open, so depth of field was extremely narrow and only a fraction is actually in focus.

We went to the hospital after that and I had a twenty four hour ambulatory heart monitor fitted. Then we went off to the local VW dealer and found a replacement for the Passat which I wrote off at the beginning of last month. We've downsized a bit and gone for a Golf. It will be four years old in December, but only has 5000 miles on the clock, so we are quite pleased with that. Mind you, I haven't had any insurance quotes yet - I feel that could be a bit more expensive than previously.

After that, we went for lunch at the little cafe by the river. Very nice and relaxed, then came home and I went for a bike ride. It should give them something to interpret when they check the readings on the heart monitor! Unfortunately, I got a bit sweaty and I can't have a shower while the monitor is attached.

Tomorrow, I have the monitor removed and at the same time we're taking the mother-in-law to the eye infirmary department to have another injection. I'm getting to know the hospital quite well.

We haven't caught a mouse for three nights, now. Could we have got them all?

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