I telephoned my brother who is in France, I had some news to tell him which he has been waiting for for a couple of years at least now. It was good to talk. My Dad is stuck in the UK looking after my brother's dog and by all accounts enjoying the change in routine- daily walks along the canal and ball games in the garden I hear.

This is a vanity shot. It's the holidays so I am using the opportunity to smell like a vinegar factory, apple cider vinegar (ACV) allegedly gets rid of moles. My brother has used it to great success. It leaves you with a slightly red mark. Not sure in the grand scheme of things how safe it is so I am no way endorsing it- do your own research! I am trying it on a couple on my chest and a couple on my legs, I am very, very moley, I am talking thousands here. I have soaked cotton buds in the ACV and attached those with plasters to myself. I am trying to get rid of the raised ones. Flat ones don't bother me at all. Things to do with vanity often end in disaster don't they? The last time I tried this I gave up after 3 days as i felt a bit too smelly!

This is a song from the Band of Horses album I was talking about yesterday. I rather like this at the mo, cool sentiment but a silly/impossible thing to say in real life IMO :-) I'll stop before I get myself in a philosophical hole. Can you tell I have study brain on, somewhat tired and wandering? Nearly at 1000 blips and no idea how to celebrate it euurgghhhhh

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