Emergency repairs

I went up the hall tonight, and there was son T on the floor, with my sewing machine set up, mending his shorts. I had a little smile on my face, thinking how practical my 14 year old son was. The shorts actually need throwing out, but they are his favourite, so he decided to mend them rather than get rid of them.

I'm impressed that T knew how to thread the machine, and place the stitch on zig zag. He is fortunate to have taken sewing for past two years as a compulsory subject at school. It has certainly come in handy tonight!

We've had steady light rain today. Up to 7am we had had 22.5 mls of rain since it started raining on Monday. It's a really nice feeling hearing and seeing the rain and knowing that we should hopefully now be getting some grass growth ready for the winter ahead.

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