Capturing small moments..

By Milli

A London view to remember..

'Keep your face always towards the sunshine and shadows will fall behind you.'

-Walt Whitman

An early morning walk to work, I decided to pass by One New Change in St Pauls. A glass lift whisks you up to the roof terrace area from where you can enjoy the best views over St. Paul’s Cathedral and pretty much the whole of London’s skyline . These days the secret’s very much out and it does get very busy on sunny days (very popular with the City crowd), but it’s still one of my favourite places.

I often take a walk over at lunch, its a kind of place which is full of memories, it can be relaxing and peaceful, vibrant and happy, beautiful and sad.

There is also a Bar and Restaurant here( Madisons), but I will leave that Blip for when I have sampled a few cocktails and tapas, surrounded by the stunning views of London at night!

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