Still Here!

By Yorkhull

Swedish glass

It has been a long day and I have had to resort to an emergency blip as my energy levels are a little low. The figure is a glass shape about three inches high. I have played around with it to get an effect and this is my end result. I bought it in Stockholm probably 10 years ago when out there working. I liked it and it has sat patiently on the mantelpiece awaiting to be noticed. Today has proved to be its day!

The statue expresses something of my feelings about today, a slightly perplexed, tired and resigned look. I did not sleep well and had to be up for a telephone conference call to New Zealand at 8 am. That went well but I did not feel well. I then realised what the problem was. I had an infection (a UTI to be exact). This was a big problem for me about 18 months ago which resulted in hospitalisation. Since then I have had recurrences but tend to spot them early and strong anti biotics usually does the trick. As today I was at the GP for my three monthly treatment for my cancer I got in to see my GP, got a diagnosis confirmed and was at the chemists getting a prescription by 12. I hope it will be nipped in the bud, its a little uncomfortable but I will know within a day or two if anti biotics are doing their job.

So my travels caught up with me today and I have had to rest and recuperate. I feel ok now and have tried to produce an interesting blip!

Finally a note on my son, who still lives with me. He is on holiday from school where he is a TA and could see I was struggling today. So he just did all my clothes washing. I love my kids!

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