Curiouser and curiouser.

By karrieb85


After meeting Miss M. yesterday, K., & I stopped off at Krispie Kreme on our way home.

I remember the traffic chaos when Krispie Kreme first opened in Edinburgh & the large crowds initially put me off visiting the shop but I did add it to my bucket list of sorts for Edinburgh.

Yesterday I was finally able to tick my visit off the list - shocking it's taken me so long I know! I was a bit overwhelmed by the process (could do with more lists of choices visible when in line) and we decided to have a fat week to work our way through the different options (there are already a few missing from the top row in this pic!).

Today is a doughnut day. Was in desperate need of a sugar fix when I got home, but things have definitely improved for me since last week. Nothing better than a sugary treat & a few episodes of Ghost Adventures to chill out with :)

I'm still debating between Caramel Crunch or Vanilla Cappuccino while K., has firmly decided on Chocolate Dreamcake.

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