
This fish pond project started about 4 summers ago. We bought the plastic pond and I dug out the hole required fitted the liner and then the pond , filled it with water then a couple of fish which we bought at Dobbies of Stirling and brought them back in the pannier of our Harley motorbike, they arrived safe and sound and were quite happy in their new surroundings. I had always had the idea to put a path round it with a wooden border and some plum shale for the path and every summer I thought right going to finish this project this year or maybe not ,as usual other things take priority and the completion of my project went further down the list and the fish weren't too concerned.So this week I thought time to get this done , spent yesterday cleaning out the fish pond then rolling out the border and getting it in position then sawing and hammering in pegs to keep it in place , putting down weed control material and finally today putting down the shale . I am very happy its turned out not too bad I now only need some new plants for round about it but sssh don't tell David that bit :)

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