First Bud.

The first bud on my favourite variety of Clematis I bought last year. Despite the massive cut back I gave it in the Autumn!!!

Gutted I missed the Brighton Blip Meet today. I had to go to work instead.
Now trying to clean the bathrooms.
My back hurts. Think it was my tight jeans that did it.
Need to backup, package up and send off my crap phone for repair - but I cant be with out it.
Also need to send my lap top in for repair as it keeps crackling and loosing sound but I cant be without my phone AND laptop!
I need to cook the dinner but I cant be bothered.
I have 2 outstanding reports to write. But I need to clean the bathroom first!
But my back hurts!
Theres no one here to make me a cup of tea.
Shall I do that before or after the bathrooms, dinner and reports.

Sod it. Im going to make a cup of tea.....

actually, if I get the bathroom cleaned then that's that job jobbed. Then tea.



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