Shackles on the Seashore

Took my neighbour down to the village for her weekly messages and then back to hers for a coffee, chat and much needed catch up. Thursday is the traditional day for shopping as it is the day the local paper comes out, lots of people about, the shop was full, the centre of the community!

Spent most of the day in the garden and greenhouse, cut the grass for the first time and sowed lots of seeds, then before making dinner I took Ollie down onto the beach for a scout about. This is part of an old anchor which is gently rusting away down there - the shackle itself is about 12 " long, it's difficult to get a sense of scale in the picture, I should carry a tape measure with me! The anchor itself is huge, getting on for five foot long, but rusted solid to the rocks around it so it won't be becoming a garden ornament any time soon!

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