Ever decreasing circles

By Shelleylou71

10th April 2014

Today would've been my Nan's birthday. It's nearly 15 years since she passed away and I still miss her. But I always think of her and smile. She had some very strange ways about her; she could harbour a grudge for years and argued with lots of her family. And that's where Mum got her strange ways from! But hopefully I missed that gene!!

Had another day of clearing out Dad's house. Mr S and his Dad did another trailer load of rubbish to the tip. Got home to collect my eldest from her bikeability course and was hoping to sit and relax for a while. Instead I got a call from the estate agent saying the buyers solicitor is having a problem dealing with the council restriction on the land registry. So I e-mail to council to complain, only to find that they were really helpful and told me that all the solicitor needs to do is speak to them and they will advice them how it works and that it causes no problem. So yet another job I've had to do for my solicitor. I think the buyer wanted to be in by tomorrow, I think I may drag my heels and make them wait another week or two as I have furniture to get rid of!

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