St Francis Winery

Some days just aren't destined to go well. I was awakened by the ringing of the phone followed shortly thereafter by OilMan saying the call had dropped, none of the phones worked and asking what I had done to them. "Nothing. I was asleep", I protested. Things went from bad to worse with the discovery that my cell phone wouldn't couldn't complete a call and my computer wouldn' couldn't t connect with the internet. I threw my computer through the window shut down my computer, followed the computer with my phone put my phone in my purse, and slammed walked out the door.

Abandoning the house and its resident communications poltergeist, after OilMan assured me that we are not in a tsunami zone, I left him poring over 30 pages of disclosures pertaining to the unimproved lot we are in the process of purchasing--thirty pages, really? I set out on a simple errand--get some cash from the bank--only to have the machine tell me that my card had expired. Did I mention that I was in a bad mood? Determined to improve things, I went shopping in search of a pair of Spring pants. They didn't have my size in the snazzy black and white ones I liked, nor did the bookstore have a copy of The Snow Leopard I hoped to buy to replace the one I thought I had, but they will order one for me. I don't know how much longer we can go on using moving as an excuse for everything….

I finally drove down the road through the vineyards, just leafing out in their regimented rows. The mustard planted between the rows is blooming, the hills form a hazy backdrop in the breaking mist and big orange bunches of poppies grow wild along the side of the road. It is a timeless view--peaceful, never changing yet constantly changing with the seasons. I pulled into the St. Francis Winery with its bell tower, rock bridge and beautiful landscaping, and just sat there taking it all in before feeling restored enough to return home to take on the poltergeist.

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