
Shot along the Kralingse Zoom (sounds like 'ZOME', which is, believe it or not, where the English word 'seam' comes from) near the university where I teach. You can't see it very well here but there's even a tree-length pole nearby with a stork nest on top of it, expressly put there by the municipality of Rotterdam, with two stork parents and their baby! Will try to BLIP that next week; hopefully baby will not have flown out of the nest yet by that time. So close to where I work ... unbelievable patch of nature! There's actually a park nearby, the Kralingse Plas, and I still need to look for it. Funny how you never get to really see those things that are within reach. And I would never have associated such a spot with Rotterdam before. Shows you how judgemental one can be, even in connection with places.

Thanks for the good wishes yesterday. Feeling much better and I hope you all have a fab weekend! ... I know I will. :)

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