
14.3C with long bright spells and plenty of cloud. Breezy.

Maeve the Deerhound and I had our walk after lunch. Usual route which we might not be able to take next week as the shore road is being resurfaced. How easy it will be to cross the road when there are roadworks I am not sure.

Down on the beach a very bouncy Springer Spaniel came along towards us as we headed for the Fishermen's huts. It was clearly looking to play. I let Maeve off her lead and they had a great time running up and down and round about and in and out of the sea. The Spaniel soon bounced off along the beach when Maeve decided she had had enough and came to stand by my side.

We carried on along the beach and said hello to the dog walker we see most days. His dog is always in the water.

One of the fishermen was working around at the huts today.

On the way back up Westhaven Road I stopped to get this shot across three fields to the tiny tree on the horizon.

Later there was mowing. Front lawn.

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