
By SLPlearning

New Developments

Looo...nnng week this week and full of new developments, some good, some bad, and others somewhere in the middle. Even though we've had a week of great new developments, it's the bad that have preyed on everyone's minds.

I'm an optimist by nature so when I take a deep breath and sigh my staff start to worry, and it's no secret that they're concerned that we're going to be really busy and productive, yet still much of it will go unnoticed.

I reminded them today that it won't go un-noticed by the people that really matter to us, our learners' forum, and suggested that why should we care whether the others take any notice, they'll do what they do anyway.

Our most recent new development will change things and hopefully with a fair wind, it'll be for the better. This week as we evaluated another huge piece of work it became apparent that our learners' network have been noticed, by the European Commission, by the United Nations and most importantly by ordinary people who've been flocking to become members.

Next week will be a breeze, even though I'm anticipating more of the busy, busy calls we dealt with this week. 1233 telephone enquiries-not bad for a weeks work - I don't know the email enquiries I'll ask next week.

“An encouraged person will eventually get his drive from encouragement; he becomes more dependent. A person that never really receives encouragement learns to move out of spite; he becomes more independent.”

Criss Jami

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